Sunday, October 19, 2008

Lit Nobel 2008

This year, an interesting story unfolds around the Nobel Prize for Literature. I only have time right now to post some links, bookmarks if you will.

1) Mini-scandal regarding Permanent Secretary's thoughts on US literature.

2) The winner is Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio.

3) Turns out, Le Clezio is a little bit American, among other things--go Albuquerque!.

4) It's not at all strange that New Mexico is part-time home to Le Clezio.

Now I'm retuning to my cave of exam studying.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Shakespeare and Zabic Get Parodied...

...One of them for the first time in history:

Issue 1 anthologizes thousands of poets! (The Zabic poem appears save-the-best-for-last. Vanessa Williams.)
