Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Vukovar (ljuta sam/I'm angry)

Uzas se ne da zaboraviti sve da rukovoditelji raznih stranaka vise nikad ne prosetaju Vukovarom (to bi zapravo bilo super, sto se mene tice). Ne zelim da zvucim pateticno, ali evo sta bih ja recimo porucila (u duhu naseg Sinise Glavasevica) tim tetama i cikama iz Sabora i drugih rukovodecih tela, sto se slikaju u Vukovaru jednom godisnje: grad--to smo mi, a ne vi, i mi slavimo zivot, a ne smrt. Pesma "Vukovar" grupe Brani je ispao pejsmejker je snimljena u tom duhu 1990, i u duhu zezanja, prije rata.

Horror cannot be forgotten even if leaders of various parties never take a walk in Vukovar again (that would be awesome, as far as I'm concerned.) Corny or not, this is what I'd like to say (in the spirit of our Sinisa Glavasevic) to those aunties and uncles from the Parliament and other governing bodies, who have their pictures taken in Vukovar once a year: the city--that's us, not you, and we celebrate life, not death. The song "Vukovar" by Brani Je Ispao Pejsmejker was recorded, in that same spirit and in the spirit of fun, before the war.